Celebrating Clevelanders: A Spotlight on the People Making Cleveland Great

Thank you, Courtney!
Stay Tuned for our March spotlight.
Have you ever been in the room when a negative comment leaves someone else’s lips sounding like, “Cleveland is the mistake on the Lake,” or “There is really nothing special about Cleveland”?
Hurts your heart a bit, right?
Engage! Cleveland knows the importance of celebrating Cleveland, and how a good reputation can drive attraction and retention of the next generation of Clevelanders.
According to the 2023 State of the Young Professional Community Report (SYPCR), a survey Engage! Cleveland conducts bi-annually to get a finger on the pulse of the early to mid-career professional community in Cleveland, a whopping 91% of respondents had a positive view of Cleveland, but only 27% of those respondents said they were “cheerleaders” of Cleveland, with the remaining respondents being passive, or negative.
To shine a spotlight on the Clevelanders who are actively making a difference in our community, we’re excited to start sharing their stories—aiming to challenge and change the current perception.
This month we would like to introduce Courtney Ottrix, local influencer, Shaker Heights native, and lifelong lover of the CLE. We chatted with Courtney about the reasons she believes Cleveland is the place to be. Read her full story below, and connect with her on social media @courtneylynnc.
EC: Welcome Courtney, thank you so much for taking some time to speak with us. Let’s start with a little introduction of who you are and what you do.
CO: Hello Engage! Cleveland, thanks for speaking with me. My name is Courtney Ottrix and I am the founder and content creator of Courtney Covers Cleveland, an online blog that leverages digital platforms, to spotlight cool people, cool places and cool events in Cleveland. I also work in Production for ESPN & MLS on AppleTV.
EC: How long have you worked or lived in Cleveland?
CO: My entire life, born in Cleveland, raised in Shaker Heights went to college in Pittsburgh and came back! I currently live on the eastside.
EC: How would you describe yourself? A Cleveland transplant, boomerang, or life-long resident.
CO: I’m truly a life long resident, the only time I left Cleveland was to attend college at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh. I graduated and moved back home and haven’t left!
EC: What is it about Cleveland that makes you feel at home here, and why do you choose to live in this city over other places?
CO: Simply because it’s home- it’s where I grew up- it’s where my parents live and siblings. My life is centered in Cleveland, everything I know is here. I also travel very very often, and there’s nothing like coming home to what’s familiar. It’s a slower pace than the bigger cities- no traffic and still quiet.
EC: Cleveland has a rich history and culture. What part of the city’s history or culture do you connect with most, and how does that shape your view of Cleveland today?
CO: I love University Circle. I love the cultural gardens and museums, and the walkability of the entire area – including the lake. Most of it has not changed, and is always beautiful – truly a staple in the city. At the same time I love all the new developments currently underway, which showcase the evolution of the city and how we’ve changed over time.
EC: Can you describe your favorite neighborhood or area in Cleveland? What makes it special to you, and how does it reflect your connection to the city?
CO: I love Shaker Heights! It’s changed with the addition to the Van Aken district and it’s just amazing to know it before all the changes to now.
EC: What are some of your favorite places to visit in Cleveland, whether for leisure, food, or entertainment? Why do these spots stand out to you?
CO: I honestly love all things Shaker! I’m super excited about the renovations coming to Shaker Square- it’s a place I grew up enjoying and love just taking my kids to the movies and walking around to eat. Growing up Your’s Truly was a staple in Shaker Square for me – and although it’s not there I still support the other locations throughout the city. I also love the new Van Aken District which didn’t exist when I was growing up but something I take advantage of as an adult. Everything about Shaker brings me back to my childhood. Very similar to Tower City – riding the rapid and going downtown for sporting events or to the mall that will never get old.
EC: How do you typically spend a weekend in Cleveland? Are there any local events or activities that you never miss?
CO: I’m always looking for new ways to enjoy the city. So I try to support both new events and restaurants/bars I’ve never been to. I just love covering hidden gems whether that’s alone or with my family – I feel like there’s always something new or old to try. I’ve made it a part of our life so my kids are always excited to find the best pancakes or donuts- exploring Cleveland is truly authentic to who we are.
EC: Cleveland has a passionate sports community. How does being a fan of Cleveland’s sports teams (or the city’s overall sports culture) enhance your experience of the city?
CO: OHHHHHHH it means win, lose or draw, there’s a celebration to be had! No matter the sports season or the team – we are die hard fans. I love that about Cleveland – it doesn’t matter if we are having a bad season or great one- we show up and we support and we are proud! I’m also proud to announce that I’ve become a member of the first Brown’s Influencer Committee so I’m excited to support the team and share all that the organization is doing on and off the field.
EC: What would you say to someone who is thinking about moving to Cleveland?
CO: Cleveland is what is it because of the people who live here.
EC: If you’ve lived in other cities, how does Cleveland compare? Are there specific aspects of Cleveland that you think are better or unique compared to those places?
CO: AFFORDABILITY! We are driving or a quick flight distance to so many places. It’s great to travel on the weekend, but when you’re ready to start a family and buy a home – the cost of living here doesn’t compare to many other places.
EC: In what ways do you celebrate Cleveland—whether through its festivals, local businesses, or other cultural traditions? What’s your personal way of showing love for the city?
CO: It’s literally who I am at heart – I love Cleveland and I’m always trying to showcase local businesses to support. Whether it’s boutiques and sharing what I’m wearing, or telling people the best new place to take their family – or a cute place for ladies night or date night. When my TV friends come to town I’m always telling them places to try from smoothies to steakhouses- sharing Cleveland is what I do.
EC: Please detail your current efforts in making Cleveland great. Whether this is in your personal, professional, or civic life. (Brag about yourself, we want to hear it!)
CO: I created a full time business simply from my passion for Cleveland. Courtney Covers Cleveland was created to share my love for Cleveland because I felt like the WORLD needed to know how great it was and that we had so many hidden gems. It was also important that I help locals experience it differently by trying new things. I quickly learned that by sharing places to visit or events to attend, wasn’t enough – I wanted to also curate events to build community in Cleveland as well. I am very proud of the work that I’ve done and continue to do to showcase Cleveland in a positive way.
EC: What are some ways our audience can engage with you or your work?
CO: They can simply follow me on social media @courtneylynnc!
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