Contributed by Lani Park and Luna Reyes, both undergraduate students from Case Western Reserve University.
Engage! Cleveland has once again partnered with Case Western Reserve University to bring their student interns to our organization through the Humanities @ Work program. This matches students with Cleveland organizations working in various industries across the city.
We were lucky to have been matched with two stellar interns, Lani Park and Luna Reyes. Lani is a returning intern who worked with us through the program in 2024.
Lani is working with our Marketing & Communications Manager, Belle Mercurio, to research and implement AI software and tools into the fabric of Engage! Cleveland.
Luna is working with our Events Manager, Abby Petty, to accomplish projects related to our 12th Annual Young Professionals Week taking place this June, as well as other events related tasks.
We asked them to share a little bit more about themselves as well their favorite things about living and going to school in Cleveland. Get to know them below!
My name is Lani Park, and I am an AI intern at Engage! Cleveland. I am currently majoring in medical anthropology and international studies at Case Western Reserve University. A typical question that follows my majors is what I want to do with these majors. After graduation, I hope to work on global health promotion and disease prevention, specifically focusing on food insecurity and hunger eradication.
Outside of school, I love reading books at a nice café and watching TV shows and movies. As I live in University Circle, I like to go to the Cleveland Museum of Art. I like to read books or study in the atrium. I love the special exhibits they have as well. Another place I go regularly these days is Blue Sky Brews, a café on Murray Hill road. The cozy and modern vibes of the place makes me revisit every week.
I am glad that I am back again at Engage! Cleveland to help out the team. It is always a great pleasure to work with EC, and I love working with this wonderful team!
I am Luna, a graduating senior studying both, International Studies with a focus on security and diplomacy, and History. I lean towards being a reserved individual but I’ve always been drawn to exploring and experiencing the world. I love to travel and experience new cultures, their connections to music, and the foods they enjoy. I also enjoy trying to collect a new song from each place I visit and add it to my little international collection. Although I haven’t been to many countries (yet!) I currently listen to music and have songs I like in 19 languages. My rotation this month consists of songs in Kazakh, French, English, Spanish, Dutch, and of course, Yoruba with Nigerian Afrobeats, which is a great choice to start your day!
Although my future isn’t planned, I want to dedicate my time to helping others and participating in nonprofit organizations. As of now, I’d like to work with organizations that aid in providing children with proper education and the necessities of life so that they may not only develop but thrive in their lives. Additionally, I want to work with those who provide immigration services, help with the process, and provide services so that immigrants can have more stable footing and support as they take on a new part of their lives. Lastly, I know one day, probably very far down the line, I want to be a part of the United Nations. In which sector, I am unsure, but I know I want to be there.
Now as someone from a large city out of state, moving to Cleveland admittedly in the beginning was a bit difficult, however over time this city has started to grow on me. This is a city in which I feel that even if you aren’t from, you can find a little piece of home while also experiencing and exploring something new. Even though I am accustomed to larger cities with insane amounts of hustle and bustle it’s nice to be able to step back and enjoy more community-based things I wouldn’t normally get like Cedar Lee theater. From the bakeries of Little Italy to the restaurants of Tremont and Ohio City to the beauty of summer by Lake Erie and the abundance of snow in the winter, there is something to love and enjoy here.
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