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September 2, 2022

CLE Transplant Profile: Ashley Romano

Where are you originally from or where else have you lived?

I am originally from Toledo, Ohio!

Why did you choose to move/move back to Cleveland?

My job right out of college brought me here.

Which neighborhood do you currently live in and what are your favorite parts about it?

I live in Lyndhurst , I love that it’s close to a lot of things, my commute is short, and the neighborhood is very nice.

What is your favorite part of living in Cleveland?

Access to playhouse square and fantastic restaurants. It’s also very family friendly.

How does Cleveland compare to other cities where you’ve lived?

Cleveland is larger than Toledo but doesn’t feel that way once you get settled in. The city has become very manageable the longer I live here.

Where would you take a newcomer to show them the best that Cleveland has to offer?

The metro parks, playhouse square, Patterson’s, East 4th.

What was the most interesting misconception(s) you heard about Cleveland when you lived elsewhere? What did you discover when living here that changed your opinion?

It is a common misconception that everyone is a die hard, aggressive browns fan. There’s definitely some out there, however most recognize them as a team that hasn’t performed well and are very open to people being fans of other teams.

What would be your message/advice to other young professionals thinking of relocating to Cleveland?

Don’t hesitate to check it out! It’s the Midwest and most people are very welcoming. There’s a surprising amount of things to do in and around the city for every type of person: outdoorsy, social butterfly, foodie, or arts lover. It’s been a great place to explore and raise a family.